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CMS Plone R24OL (Madrid)

Diseño web España: sitio web Plone de Radio 24 Online (Música y Topografía)
CMS Plone R24OL (Madrid)

CMS Plone R24OL

Toda la potencia del CMS Plone a su disposición. Alta calidad del código y accesibilidad web, estabilidad y seguridad, enorme facilidad de uso, increíble flexibilidad en la configuración y administración,... Un diseño web Plone perfectamente ajustado a las necesidades y preferencias del cliente, el cual se seguirá encargando directa y personalmente de la administración de contenidos de su sitio web. Y, como siempre, al mejor precio imaginable.

Incluye dos de contenido Plone Dexterity 100% personalizados (DJ y Programa), así como sus correspondientes plantillas de vistas, ajustes CSS, colecciones, taxonomías y búsquedas por facetas.

This radio was made many years ago when there was no internet, almost 40 years, when I felt I had to do it, as a musical engineer.

I've always struggled to do something different and I'm glad I did it for people who are here now, and who have improved and have values ​​that have far exceeded the power to make communication, something that the undersigned, did with all the love of the world.

Those who have made this possible are those who are here making radio so that you are NEVER ALONE, this radio is not for selling ANYTHING, it is a radio that is the experience of an Engineering that has been made for YOU, it is the whole of a life dedicated and of which I am glad to give the enormous thanks of having done a good job that those who have HAVE IMPROVED and understood MY ESSENCE.

My most sincere thanks for your unconditional support, now I have to see the great work you are doing, and thank you for supporting the most hooligan of friends Peter Pam, a son of the essence of Leonardo's thought.

Feeling happy to now be a listener, and feel in my ears the strength with which you know how to give essence to the people who need it, I am proud of you and THIS IS A RADIO WITH SOUL.

My most sincere gratitude and without words I subscribe this my presentation, the protagonists are you and the people that can be a victim of THIS INVENTION THAT HAS BEEN MADE SO THAT NEVER MISSES AT LEAST AFFECTION and I eat WHO WILL NEED IT.

(I did not have one to eat and nobody knew) but it has been worth it, I assure you.

ME. an Ente that has believed in the HUMAN BEING. AND BELIEVE IN YOU. The greatest of loves to your essence, and thanks for reading these letters of a person from the world that is ONE MORE.

Radio 24 Online